Engage in meaningful relationships by doing life together. Be a part of each others lives, fellowships, and be on mission together. It is in the context of these groups that genuine community and growth begins to happen.
Engage in meaningful relationships by doing life together. Be a part of each others lives, fellowships, and be on mission together. It is in the context of these groups that genuine community and growth begins to happen.
We believe you can't do life alone
Are you looking for a way to get connected to other people in our church? If you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus, you need people surrounding you to encourage you, challenge you, and be there for you. Life Groups are a great opportunity for you to get connected to our church and take your relationship with God to the next level!
What can I expect?
Groups are all about people taking next steps together. Our groups meet every week. At each meeting, you will have a facilitator who leads the discussion and poses questions for the group to think about and answer. The goal for each member of your group is spiritual growth, as you learn, encourage, and support each other along the way.
How long do groups last?
Our groups meet weekly for the duration of a specific study
and take time in between studies for outreach events and fellowship.
We customarily offer a Fall session (beginning in Sept) and a Winter/Spring session (beginning in January.
We take Summer off for churchwide Bible study and other events.
When and where do groups meet?
Life Groups meet in homes or at our church facility on various nights of the week.
We will help you find a group that is near you and works with your schedule.
For more information about our Life Groups, or to join a group, email us at truelifeslidell@gmail.com,
or call our office 985-643-5870.